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To Register: Register for the conference and choose “Operator School” under the question “Would you like to add a Tuesday add-on event?”

Each ABC Operator School event we offer is unique and distinct from the next. This Operator School takes place at the location of the largest biogas conference and tradeshow in North America: BIOGAS AMERICAS, in the days just before the Expo begins. To attend, you simply need to register for the event and select “Operator School” under the “Would you like to add a Tuesday add-on event” question. In addition to Operator School and the conference sessions, you’ll also have access to the country’s biggest tradeshow of biogas equipment and service providers. Our exhibitors love talking to operators, so please spend some time there and explore what’s on offer. Finally, if you’re interested in Operator Certification, this course will help you meet 6 of 9 required modules, assuming you’ll attend the entire school. To complete the remaining modules, the other in-person Operator School will do that, or you can attend the virtual Operator School. Learn more about Modules & Instructors
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